Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Welcome to the blog of Wabash College's English 101 Composition: Style and Grammar class. This is a Commonplace Blog, a play on the traditional journal kept by Renaissance scholars. In their Commonplace Journals, scholars used to copy words, sentences, and paragraphs that they wanted to keep and remember for future use or as models of good writing.

This class's project is a little different. In the English 101 Commonplace Blog, each student will collect pieces of language from anywhere he chooses (readings for this or other classes, fiction, journals, magazines, other people's blogs, instruction manuals, poems, backs of cereal boxes, etc.). The only qualification is that the student must consider the fragment he chooses outstanding in some way (either good or bad). His task will be to describe what gives the fragment its power (or what makes it so ineffectual). Then he must compose an imitation of the piece (keeping the style but using his own words) or, if he has chosen a piece he considers ineffectual, he must edit the piece.

Each student will post at least one entry each week.

Happy Writing,
Dr. Benedicks

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