Friday, October 31, 2008

Nick's blog

"Because, one slight grammatical error might leave you in the same ignorant class as the founders of the "Suppurate" hotels. (Nick Curosh)

First off, this is a sentence fragment. And, it is funny how I did not catch this mistake when going over my paper. I believe the reason I missed it is because it sort of flowed with my previous sentence. I was concerned with making a point through the use of humor that I forgot the rules of grammar. I think when I was writing these two sentences I wanted to combine the fragment with my previous sentence but decided it would be too long. So, instead I got one coherent sentence and one "semi-useful, somewhat sentence". When reading my paragraph as a whole, I missed the mistake because my original "fragment/sentence" linked the previous sentence very powerfully. But, analyzing it as an individual sentence, I discovered that it was a fragment and considerably weak writing.

"Snoots take "their" English very seriously, and one slight grammatical error might leave you in the same ignorant class as the founders of the "Suppurate" hotels.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Weekly Blog

Who would you vote for Barack Obama or John McCain? Well this is the first presidential election that I will be able to vote in and I believe that even-thought mine is just one vote it does matter. The candidates both have their strong points and their weak points and they should be looked at closely. This is why I do not make my decision easiely or quickly. I have watched many of the debates and listen carefully to both candidates views on important issues. After gathering all of the info I made my decision to vote for Barack Obama. I believe that he is the best choice and will lead our country out of the current situation. He has a better plan on how to boost our economy and he also plans on getting us out of Iraq and other middle eastern countries.
-Storm Anderson

caleb weber

I have not followed the election race closely this year. I do not find either of the candidates very appealing. If I had to choose who I wanted to win I would have to go with John McCain. I have been raised under a republican family, that’s the way I intend to vote.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Weekly Blog 7

After November 7th history will be made. The making of the most historic and closest presidential races of all time is between Barack Obama and John McCain. If Obama wins, he will be the first African American president. If McCain, he will be the oldest person elected into presidency and his Vice President candidate, Sarah Palin, will be the first female elected into leading America. Putting these distractions aside, America needs to focus on the subject matter and their own beliefs. The candidates agree on some issues; on the other hand, their differences are polar opposites. I, as a young generation voter, do not care about the racial and gender differences; however, my beliefs and values will ultimately lead me to my decision. Being raised in a single parent household, support from grandparents, and in the lower middle class I can real with Obama. Growing up he was taught the value of family, hard work, how to give back to the community, and good ethics. Throughout the rest of the paper, I am going to explain why I am voting for Obama. These reasons range from how I connect to him, to his view on taxation, and basic human rights.
-Jake Moore Blog 7 Presidential Pick

At the beginning of my paper the first sentence is catchy. If someone does not know what Nov. 7th stands for then they will want to continue reading to find out what history will be made. In the second sentence I used a tip out of Style and put the important part of the sentence at the end and follow the "known-new" principle. I then flowed the next two sentences with the previous "new topic" by talking about Obama and McCain. Obama and McCain are my "flesh-and-blood" characters throughout most of the paragraph. Throughout the rest of the paragraph I list similarities and differences between the two. At the end of the introduction to I list three reasons in my thesis statement which I will in turn talk about throughout the paper. I believe within the first few sentences of the paragraph I do not explain what the paper will be over. If someone stopped after the third sentences they might think the rest of the paper will be a compare and contrast on the two candidates instead of me telling them my pick for the Presidency.
Everybody has their own reasons for which they vote, for whom they vote. Those reasons vary from political views to character views or whether or not a person even cares about the election. Personally I base my opinion around a candidate’s character. My emphasis on a person’s character is fairly simple to explain. There are two types of people out there: High character and low character. A high character individual is going to try and carry out his ideas and values in an honest way, a way that can be admired and respected. The low character individual is going to carry out certain things in a fair way and certain things in a shady manner. For a person held in high esteem, like the President of the United States of America, that will be the central figure of attention, character is important. You cannot change who a person is, but you can change how their politics are shaped. If you, like a have, factor in the candidates character there is a standout amongst our two party leaders- Barack Hussein Obama. Obama should end up as the winner because of his high character.

Things done well?
-"Know-new" concept is followed. Sentences pick up where the previous one ended allowing for the themes to flow.
-Subjects, verbs, main ideas of sentences are given within the beginning 10 words.
-Paragraph ideas are fairly related as well.
-Paragraph is also to the point as to why Obama will win.

Grant McCloskey Week #7

“Presidential Elections really make you think about what is best for this Country, and this year is no different. The two candidates both present valid points on an array of issues. McCain’s plans appeal to my morals and concerns about the future, but it is Obama that will win the election. He came into the election with a very compelling speech, and is more appealing to young voters.”- Grant McCloskey  

First off, I felt that I had speech that was blunt and to the point. I did not try to use wordy sentences to get my ideas across.  I took the route with the least amount of resistance. This factor alone added to the clarity and grace of my paper.

Another idea I tried to focus on was not being so repetitive and the flow of the paragraph. The paragraph flows into each next idea; I don’t present something at the beginning and not explain it until the end, it flows into each additional point.

It was very difficult to achieve this. It makes you second-guess everything that you write to make sure it goes together with everything else. This issue is something I need to become more aware of in my writing. In almost every paper I have encountered this problem.

This is something that I need to continue to work on to improve my writing. To accomplish this I need to have times were I just go through and cut out unnecessary words or phrases. I just need to take the time and not rush through it. 

Brandewie's opinion on the presidential election and in depth anaylsis of his first paragraph

I like to preface this paper by saying that I think that both presidential candidates are great Americans and great leaders. Both candidates could bring a wealth of skill and different qualities to the table and could both serve as great presidents. This dilemma leaves me a tough decision; two men who I believe are great Americans and could also be great presidents of the United States of America. In both primaries, I favored Obama and McCain versus all of the other potential nominees. So it is important to look at what kind of president America needs right now.
In the first paragraph, I start by saying I admire both candidates are great Americans. I believe by mentioning this, it gives my opinion more validity because it shows I do not a have a personal emotional hatred of either candidate. I further explain how both are highly qualified, show once more that I respect the work of both McCain and Obama. This introductory also makes the reader curious of whom I endorse. In the third sentence, I show that this decision was tough for me, and that I have looked at both candidates objectively. The forth sentence informs the reader that my voting preference, and shows what are some of the reasons for my decision. Finally, I show the ultimate reason of my decision, “What kind of president America needs right now.”

Weekly Blog_7_Lunkun Deng

The presidential election is fast approaching. So the hottest topic now is who will be the new president. I, a foreigner, do not know or care much about the election. However, I think whoever will win the election must have two main qualities. A qualified president must be responsible for his citizens. Furthermore, a president must own strong abilities to build up a harmonious society, with both high economic performance and democratic political environment.

In my writing, I have followed the rules in Style in these ways:

First, the starting sentence of the article points out the topic of the paper, Presidential election. Likewise, the first several words of each sentence include a clear subject and a strong verb. For example, the verb “approach” in the first sentence powerful state what is going on and “the hottest topic” put forward the subject of the second sentence. In addition, the whole paragraph has the common topic of “presidential election.”

Second, this paragraph flows smoothly by following rules such as “Know-New principle” and “Putting complex or new information towards the end of sentences.” For instance, the fourth sentence ends with “new information” of “main qualities”. It suggests what I will pick up in the next sentence. Then my fifth sentence starts with “old information” of “A qualified president”, carrying out what the “qualities” are.

Last, the paragraph follows the rules of “style” in details. I have tried to avoid nominalization and passive voice. Taking the first sentence as an example, I use an active verb “approach”, instead of saying “be held.” Besides, I have deleted some senseless words in the paragraph as well as in the whole article.

To put all in a nutshell, although in my article I still use some nominalization such as “election”, I think I have followed William and made a good work.

1st paragraph

“Change” – the word that every American uses today. Change gas prices, change health care, change our economy, and foremost, change our president. The change that needs to take place this election is huge and many people need this change to pursue their own American dream. In 2008 two men are running to be the next president of the United States, Barack Hussein Obama from Illinois and John Sidney McCain from Arizona. Each man has their own idea on what needs to be done to fix America’s problems. Both candidates desire to change America for the better, but in fundamentally different ways. Even though both are good intentioned men who strive to help America, I believe that only one can bring us the change we need. This man is Barack Hussein Obama.

I really focused on my transitions in my paragraph and introductions of both candidates. What I was looking for was using one word (i.e. Change) to explain my whole paragraph. This way the reader could understand it better by seeing this word and understand the main idea of my paper. I made sure my paper was concise so that it didn't over run and cause confusion.

Blake's Blog

In a little over a week there will be a new President in the White House. Right now there is a close race going on between Barack Obama and John McCain. The President will be a difficult position to take over since the economy is in a bad position. The only way that our country will be able to get out of the economic crisis is if Obama is elected as our next President. Obama has a great plan in mind to change our economy so it will be more affordable for Americans to live.

I believe that all of my sentences have a clear subject and verb within the first words of the sentence. The sentences are short and to the point. There are no extra added words to make the sentence weak. At the end of each of the sentences it is easy to tell what is going to happen next because the sentences lead into each other. In the opening paragraph all of the topics are related to each other so the paragraph will flow smoothly. At the end of my paragraph it would be ok to change the last sentence with the title and it would still make sense.

Robbie's presidential pick.

"There are many reasons to pick either of the two major political party's' candidates. Each one has their own strengths and weaknesses. These are used by the people of the United States of America to decide which they believe will be the better president. Some decide to vote with the party that they were raised to praise, and others will vote based on the important issues that plague them. In a little over a week, I will cast my ballot for the man that I believe will be a better president. That man is the Democratic Party’s nominee, Senator Barack Obama."

I used some advice that I had received at the writing center when I was writing this paper. That was to start my introduction broad and get more specific as it went on. I believe that I have achieved this. I have given my position at the end of this paragraph. This leads to the following paragraphs that explain my position.

tyler presley

In the presidential election of 2008, there is a close run between Barack Obama for the Democrats and John McCain for the Republicans. The reason this election is so close is because of the controversy in the White House now. The American people are wondering about what is going to happen with the War in Iraq, the tax rates now, the policy of American education, and the devastation that has hit the stock market recently and these competitors are taking advantage of these situations to prove they are the one that is going to fix everything.

In this paragraph it gives you examples of what is going to be talked about in my paper. It is clear and gets right to the point with minimal words that could be thrown out. I also don't stray from the point of my paper. In the first couple words of my sentence I give you the subject that my paper is based on. On a different note however, some things that came up that was difficult was whether or not I should write about who I think is going to win and who I want to win. So in the end I just decided to write about both considering they are opposing topics.

Nick's Blog

The 2008 Presidential Election is centered on the American economy. The economy has been hit extremely hard this past year with the failure of many large corporations and the persistent increases in the prices of gasoline and other essential materials. The state of the American economy is beginning to resemble the harsh economic times the nation faced during the 1930’s. With the Stock Market Crash and other financial failures, the nation sought help and change and supported the democratic candidate who promised new, positive economic policies. Franklin Roosevelt compiled the “New Deal” plan that changed the role of government intervention in the economy and helped individuals and corporations regain economic stability. More than 70 years later, the economy is facing similar hardships, and one candidate still believes in the concepts of the “New Deal” to aid the struggling nation. Barack Obama should win the 2008 Presidential Election because his innovative economic policies will help improve the nation.

My paragraph starts with a general, short statement about the election. Through this statement, the readers understand that I believe the economy is the main issue of this election. I then build off the idea of the economy by giving severeal examples of it today and by comparing it to the 1930's. I linked the end of each previous sentence to the following sentence in an effort to connect more complex ideas and to make the main information stand out. For example, showing the connection between the "New Deal" and Obama's economic mentality. I chose to include the information on the "New Deal" and Roosevelt to try to persuade my readers. (Roosevelt's plan worked in the 1930's and Obama's more comlpex, innovative plan will produce similiar benefits in 2008 and beyond.)

tony conway

With the Presidential Election just around the corner, much debate is in the air on who should succeed President Bush. I believe the man to replace him should be Sen. John McCain. His ideas on addressing certain issues are ones with I agree. Some of these issues include the economy, Iraq, and education. His stands on these helped me decide that John McCain should be elected president in the upcoming election.

This paragraph is clear and precise. It states exactly what my paper is going to be about. It flows from one sentence to other clearly, and the sentences are easy to understand. It also follows the known-new flow from sentence to sentence. Following the guidelines in Style, this was easy to write.

Weekly blog election Ethan Flater

The election of 2008 has come down to one thing, and that is the day of the election. There has been a lot of money spent to persuade the people to their side, even though most people made up there minds on whom they were going to vote for from the beginning. I was one of those people; I decided I was going to vote for McCain as soon as he became the nominee for the Republican Party. I am going to vote for McCain in this election because of my own reasons.

This shows clear writing because it flows with my ideas one right after another. The whole paragraph seems to lead you right into what i am trying to say in the rest of the paper, but the clarity of the sentence are what i am not sure of. They sound clear to me but i am never fully sure that they are as clear as possible.

Ethan Flater

Sunday, October 19, 2008

caleb weber

The possibility that we may fail in the struggle ought not to deter us from the support of a cause we believe to be just.– Abraham Lincoln
This quote is powerful due to a variety of reasons. The first half of the sentence has a very negative connotation. The words fail and struggle lead us to believe this. As the sentence moves along, its feelings of negativity transition over to a more positive feeling. The phrase “ought not deter us” tells us that we must go on. We can’t give up when the times are bad. Eventually we will prevail. When Mr. Lincoln says “we believe to be just” it is powerful due to the fact that he wants us to stand up and voice our opinion. If we believe in something then go after it and protect it. The word just also makes me think of something good. If someone is referred to as being a just man, it’s a good thing.

Blake's Blog

If everyone demanded peace instead of another television set, then there'd be peace.John Lennon

This is a very true and straight forward quote that Lennon makes. He describes how most people think about themselves instead of everyone around them. He believes that the world would be such a better place if everyone followed this guideline. It seems like a very simple rule to follow, however, it would be nearly impossible for everyone in the world to follow this quote.

Lennon uses a very simple comparison between a television set and peace. I think it is a great comparison that everyone can relate to. This quote especially relates to all of the American’s. Almost every house in America has a television set. Television is a way of life for American’s. Lennon simply states that if peace was a way of life for people in the world then our world would have peace. This is a simple quote that has a great meaning behind it. I like how Lennon relates this to so many people.

If everyone demanded friendship instead of the internet, then there’d be a lot more friends.

tyler presley

"As we gather tonight, hundreds of thousands of American service men and women are deployed across the world in the war on terror. By bringing hope to the oppressed and delivering justice to the violent, they are making America more secure." -George W. Bush's State of the Union Address in 2004.

When I read this exerpt from this speech I see it can be powerful and persuading, but also foolish in word choice. What makes this powerful is the fact that Bush displays acts of courage and grief to the members in the armed forces as well as inncoent lives that have been taking due to numerous terrorists attacks in the Middle East. This is inspirational to Americans that feel vonerable to attack because of what happened on September 11th. The people like to feel safe and secure when they go to work, fly on a plane, ride a bus, and other day to day activities. Bush makes it clear that he is willing to do whatever it takes to make this country feel safe. His grief shows compassion to the innocent victims families, those here and over seas. It shows that he is a normal american like the rest of us and not a power hungry dictator that could careless about his people, and this is why we re-elected him.

But for those people who oppose Bush and his ideas your chance to stop him would of been when he was ranting about his "war on terror". These people could of stopped and asked questions about how he planned on fighting a war on terror when terror is a feeling of being scared. It is physically impossible to fight a war on terror. It is possible however to fight a war on "Terrorists" which would of been more specific and better worded. This is an example of how we as Americans either don't care enough to ask questions or are so wrapped up in emotion and will believe anything that comes out a politicians mouth because we want to believe that they are here for every single persons best intrest.

As we gather tonight, two teams walk on the field to fight for the war of the AL series. By bringing hope to the people of their cities searching for a world series title, they are making their cities known to the county.

Robbie Clark Blog post #6

"The point was to inhale. That was the point."
-Barack Obama, November 26, 2007, a response to a question about medicinal marijuana and a reference to Bill Clinton.
This is from a man that can own up to his mistakes and learn from them. This person can be respected for his honesty and ability to move on from a less than perfect background. We all know that humans are flawed beings and we accept that fact. But should we expect that of our possible leaders.
This statement is powerful because it is straight to the point. Barack Obama chooses not to bullshit his way around the question but tells it like it is. No one can make excuses for what they have done. It is a perfectly natural trait to be curious, experiment, and test the boundaries of what it means to be human.
I do not believe that there is any way that this quotation can be improved. It is short, to the point, and effective. It can also be applied to many different circumstances that may be seen as questionable by a discriminating audience.
“Make no excuse for your actions, live up to them.”

Brandewie's Blog

“We all made this journey for a reason. It's humbling, but in my heart I know you didn't come here just for me, you came here because you believe in what this country can be. In the face of war, you believe there can be peace. In the face of despair, you believe there can be hope. In the face of a politics that's shut you out, that's told you to settle, that's divided us for too long, you believe we can be one people, reaching for what's possible, building that more perfect union.”
This is an excerpt from one of Barack Obama’s countless speeches on the campaign trail. Barack Obama is a very eloquent speaker, and many of his speeches have contributed to his success as the Democratic nominee. When using spoken word to convince people to vote a certain way, it is important for the candidate to convince the public that his or her policies fit with the voters’ policies. This can be very difficult because the voters often times share a wide spread view opinions. In the first sentence, Obama uses the personal pronoun “we”. Obama already has included himself with anyone who is listening to the speech, a very important tactic to associate the voter with the candidate. In the second sentence, he mentions war and peace. At this point, the majority of America is unhappy with our aggressive moves overseas such as in Afghanistan and Iraq. Obama, however, mentions just the simple words of war and peace, keeping the listening audience interested. If Obama had went in a rant about what we need to do overseas, many people would be turned off because they might not agree with his policies. This is what makes is so right and so wrong at the same time in politics. If Obama would have explained the policies he plans to implement, probably less people would vote for him. The voting public harms itself by clinging to statements that are broad and general because they are unsure what they are supporting. As stated throughout Orwell’s essay of “Politics and the English Language”, modern English lends itself to be general rather than specific. It is something that we, the voting public, are responsible for because we do not demand clear, specific speech from our politicians. In the third senctence, Obama speaks broadly again by saying “In the face of despair, you believe there can be hope.” This is another broad sentence that is impossible to disagree with. The next sentence provides more of the same. Nonetheless a politician must be very skilled to construct a sentence that anyone will agree with, no matter the wide spectrum of different people that will hear it. Here is the second sentence of the excerpt remodeled and used effectively.
In the middle of defeat, the Chicago Bears were able to capitalize on mistakes and win the game

BLog 6 Gentlemans' Rule

"The student is expected to conduct himself at all times, both on and off the campus, as a gentleman and a responsible citizen."
-Wabash College-

As everyone knows this rule has been under a bunch of scrutiny these last few weeks.  I believe if people look at the direct words there is not any room for error; therefore, the rule I believe is a good one.  The first few words "The student is" are set in stone and whoever reads it knows that the Gentleman's rule talks about each and every student as an individual not as a group.  If it said "The students are" then people could find error and say that the rule was not very specific about who it was directed to.  The next word said in this phrase "expected" tells the student how they should act and how everyone will be looking at them.   The rest of this phrase "conduct himself at all times" again verifies the student on an individual basis, not a group.  The verb conduct is also a concrete statement that needs little explanation.  It is not to act, or to carry out which leave room for argument.  If it was "The student is expected to act himself at all times, ..." people would think that however the student acted before he came to Wabash is acceptable.  For some students it probably is, but for others they might need to change a few minor details to meet this rule. 

The second part of the sentence breaks for assurance.  "Both on and off the campus" makes the student know that acting as a responsible citizen is not acceptable only on campus.  Once again, this gives little room for mistake in the rule.  This break also helps the reader to think about, comprehend, and reflect about what he/she read at the beginning of the rule.  

The third part clarifies how the student should conduct himself with more concrete word choices that have one meaning.  "Gentleman" and "Responsible citizen" are two words that are not often used in today's society.  One reason is because not too many people can be called these.  A gentleman in my definition is someone who does the little things in life: opens a door for others, picks up trash when they pass it on the ground, kind, caring, honest.  Pretty much if someone does the right thing when no one is looking makes up a gentleman.  A responsible citizen is someone who follows the law and does right from wrong.  If a person knows that what they are doing is wrong will they stop?  This is a question many may ask for a gentleman and responsible citizen.

If I were to put synonyms in for the words I mentioned above there would be many loopholes in the rule.

"The students are anticipated to perform themselves at all times as a chap and an accountable person."

Gimme Shelter

"Oh, a storm is threatning my very life today. If I dont get some shelter oh yeah, Im gonna fade away. War, children, its just a shot away. Its just a shot away. War, children, its just a shot away. Its just a shot away."-Rolling Stones 1969

The part of the lyrics from the rolling stones' song "Gimme Shelter" is written in a way to help with the anti-war movement in 1969. The song opens with "storm, threatning, and life" as if they were personally affected by the events in the year 1969. They use "War, children" together because war and children don't make a good mix. A lot of people don't want to see their child go off to war so the put the two together to make the people discourage the war. They then use "its just a shot away" to make its seem as if we are on the tipping point of this catastrophe. In the song They cover some of the events happening in 1969 such as the Vietnam War, The My Lai Massacre, and the Anti-war demonstrations taking place in Washington D.C.

"Oh, a storm is brewing, my life won't be the same. If we don't find a solution then my life can be claimed. Murder, Econ, its just a step away."

Grant McCloskey Week #6

“A man may drink because he feels himself to be a failure, and then fail all the more completely because he drinks”- Orwell Politics and the English Language

I find this expert powerful not only in its structure but also in its meaning. Orwell in the first part before the comma addresses why the man drinks, he drinks because he does in fact feel like he is a failure. He then goes on to say that he will all the more fail because he does drink. I really like this quote. The comma however makes this quote.

The purpose of a comma is to give a brief pause in a sentence to separate two ideas. In this case it is a cause and effect separated by the comma. He gave the cause of why the man drinks, then he stated the repercussions if he were to continue to drink. The quote would lose its power and flow if it were being split into two sentences. For starters the second part would not be able to stand on its own as a sentence without some rewording. The comma allows it to say together as keep its power.

I feel that a comma in writing is a very useful tool, but it should also be used in moderation. Keep together what cannot be left by itself, and separate into new sentences, which will help the reader comprehend better. Short sentences like Orwell’s above are perfect of the comma, but it is the long-winded sentences that tend to lose the readers attention.

This expert is not only powerful in the words, but also its punctuation. This sentence would not be what it is without the use of the comma. Remember to use in moderation however.  

“A man may sit back and reflect on his accomplishments, but in doing that he is giving his peers all the time in the world to pass him by”- Grant McCloskey 

Weekly Blog 6_Lunkun Deng

We will begin the study of grammar with basic sentences—the sentence patterns; we will then look at the separate parts of the patterns; and finally we will examine the systematic way we expand and modify and combine them. (Martha Kolln, Understanding English Grammar)

I think this paragraph that I take from the book “Understanding English Grammar” is a model pattern of cohesion and coherence. The paragraph consists of three sentences. All the three sentences are coherent in both structure and contents.

In regards to structure, the first sentence uses the word “begin” as the signal. Following the first one, the second sentence uses the signal word “then” as the mark of time. At last, the word “finally” continues the third sentence from the second one.

In regards of contents, the first sentence gives us the general information of what we well study. We will study “grammar”, to be more specific, basic sentences—the sentence patterns. The second sentence then makes a transition from “sentence patterns” to a more detailed “separate parts of the patterns”. Finally the last sentence takes the information “separate parts of the patterns”, which is familiar to us readers as stated before, into new information “systematic way”.

The whole paragraph starts with general information and then become more specific in detailed aspects of the general parts mentioned before. It would be a good way in introduce a professional subject.

I will start my research paper with the relationship between ideology and economy; I will then introduce some certain political system’s effect in economy; and finally I will take China as an example to explore how the combination of socialism and capitalism contribute to the development of China in recent decades.

Weekly blog for eng Ethan Flater

A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new.
Albert Einstein (

This quote is powerful through how it starts, it starts with "A person" which could piont at anything from ourselves or peole we know. Then it makes a simple yet cleaver statment about people who don't try anything in life can not accompish anything new. This is powerful because it can strick you istantly with a statment of someone you know who does this or yourself.

A person who never eats cereal never got the full value of a ballanced breakfast.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Nick's Blog

“Fierce as a dog with tongue lapping for action, cunning as a savage pitted against the wilderness.” Carl Sandburg “Chicago” (Chicago Poems)

As I was reading Sandburg’s poem, this sentence caught my attention. Each clause begins with a very powerful adjective (fierce and cunning) that tend to change the tone of the poem. The words fierce and cunning suggest a more hostile environment in which only the strong can survive. Also, the two verbs, found in this phrase, (lapping and pitted) are not your everyday words and serve as an exaggeration for the comparison of the city of Chicago to the dog and the savage. The word lapping creates the effect that the dog is drooling in anxiety waiting to strike at any moment. And, the word pitted produces an unfavorable environment even for the cunning savage.

The reason Sandburg includes this phrase is to connect these two uncommon things to Chicago. The dog and savage serve as a metaphor to help illustrate the persona of the city. Sandburg believes that the people of Chicago are as fierce as the dog and as cunning as the savage. These two comparisons portray the wild, untamed side of the jungle (Chicago).

“Strong as a boxer with fists throbbing for battle, trusting as a friend struggling against unfavorable odds” Nick Curosh

Monday, October 13, 2008

Weekly blog Ethan Flater Wallace

"This is so stupid it practically drools."
David Foster Wallace "Tense present Democracy, English, and the Wars over Usage" pg 47

This quote is powerful through the imagery it portrays in the quote. You can actually see a drooling person. Another way it is powerful is through its tone that can be interpreted in
many ways. One sense of tone could be a funny lighter sense of comical tone. The other way is almost the opposite because it could seem frustrated and angry about how stupid something is.

This is so gruesome it practically bleeds.

Brandewie's Blog

“It’s a belief that says if this nation was truly founded on the principles of freedom and equality, it could not sit idly by while millions were shackled because of the color of their skin. That if we are to shine as a beacon of hope to the rest of the world, we must be respected not just for the might of our military, but for the reach of our ideals. That if this is a land where destiny is not determined by birth or circumstance, we have a duty to ensure that the child of a millionaire and the child of a welfare mom have the same chance in life. That if out of many, we are truly one, then we must not limit ourselves to the pursuit of selfish gain, but that which will help all Americans rise together.”
This speech was given by Barack Obama after receiving the Robert F. Kennedy human rights award. The first impression from the context of the speech that Obama’s only objective in the speech was to accept the award and dish out some advice. However, Obama is also trying to prove with the upcoming election that validity of his leadership. In the first sentence, Obama effectively contrasts the adjectives “freedom and equality” and “with millions were shackled because of the color of their skin”. He draws a line to slavery, without mentioning it. The second sentence has a very fitting metaphor, “beacon of hope”, which allows Obama to mention one of the words so commonly used in his campaign to talk about Robert Kennedy. He further goes on to mention “a child of a millionaire and a child of a welfare mom have a same chance on life.” As Barack Obama goes deeper into the speech, he begins to turn himself into a “Robert Kennedy like” icon without sounding pompous or self gratifying. In the last sentence, the verbiage used sounds like a campaign speech, but also fits in a tribute to Robert Kennedy. This paragraph shows to grace in the English language. Obama had great skill to comment on the greatness of a legendary politician, and include how he is similar. He did all of that without sounding like he was bragging. I will now take the last sentence and show how it can be used to fit in another context.
That if different people across the county can bad together, not limit our play for the gratification of individual statistics, but rather fight together to win the All-Star Championship.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Weekly Blog 5_Lunkun Deng

Ever since I came to Drexel, I found my personal abilities had been reduced to nothing but math. I used to be a bad student in math. But now I’m looking forward to math class most. In math class, I even don’t need to study very hard. Sometimes what I do in class is staring out the window and having daydream. But I did incredibly well on quizzes and exams. I think I do excellently in Math here because my current math class covers almost the same issues as I had in high school in China. (Monica, my close friend from China.)

This is part of my friend’s essay, which describes her first month of college life. By reading this paragraph, we can know what happened to her in the past few weeks. Referring to Williams’ Style, just as there are some well-written points, there are some sentences and structures needing improve.

First, in regards of “Style”, sometimes my friends begin a sentence with the word “But”. We should try to avoid this.

Then, in regards of “Action”, a nominalization occurs in the fifth sentence, “Sometimes what I do in class is staring out the window and having daydream.” We can directly turn the noun “staring” into a powerful “Action”, a verb.

Third, in regards of “Character”, my friend uses the passive voice in the first sentence, “my personal abilities had been reduced”. This pattern makes the statement unclear and less powerful. Yet the sentence doesn’t meet the needs of the situations that William states in Style, such as replacing a long subject with a short one. So it’s better not to use passive voice here.

Last but not least, in regards of “Coherence”, my friend can make the paragraph more fluent if she changes the subject in some sentences. For instance, the sentence “the Sometimes what I do in class is staring out the window and having daydream.” begins with a NEW subject, rather than a subject we are familiar with.

Beside these points above, if we revise the paragraph in terms such as “Logic” and “word choice”, the readers will better understand what the writer is talking about.

When I started my college life at Drexel, I found my personal abilities became rather poor except math. I used to be so backwards a student in math, but now I’m looking forward to math class most. In math class, I even don’t need to study very hard. Sometimes I would apologize for that I occasionally stared out the window with daydreams in class. However, I did incredibly well on quizzes and exams. The reason for my highly performance in Math here may be that the math classes I had at high school in China cover almost the same issues as my current classes.

Grant McCloskey Week #5

“Now, it is clear that the decline of a language must ultimately have political and economic causes: it is not due simply to the bad influence of this or that individual writer” George Orwell.

George Orwell begin this phrase but stating the problem, that being the decline of language. He follows but saying what the causes are, and then finishes by saying what is not the cause. It seems like a long sentence that should be broken up, but it is a lot better as is. He could of said the first phrase followed by a period instead of a colon, but the colon I feel keeps it all together as one idea and make it a lot more meaningful.

The colon is very powerful when it comes to punctuation. A colon is used to explain what is next as an explanation for what was written before it. It allows you to make a statement and then you can back it up with your reasoning as to why.

This except would not nearly be as effective without the use of the colon. All of the things I have found in writing this blog I have made an attempt to show in my writing and the colon shall be no different.

“It was the clear the loss was not because of the defenses  effort in creating five turnovers: it was due to the offense fumbling the ball six times”. 

Blake's Blog

Individual commitment to a group effort -- that is what makes a team work, a company work, a society work, a civilization work. - Vince Lombardi

This is a very powerful quote that that is very true. This is a bold statement that Lombardi makes. He states that it is important to contribute to the good of everybody instead of the good for yourself. He states that the only way any kind of group will work is if everybody contributes to the group.
Lombardi chooses his words very good in his quote. He starts out with stating it makes a team work. Then he builds up to a company. Next, he builds to a society. After all of this, he states that it makes a whole civilization work. He describes very well how it makes the small things work. Then he states how every group that is successful must have committed members it work.
Hard work to a single effort—that is what makes selfishness, individual pride, and arrogance.

Blog 5- Jake Moore

"The only point I want to make is this, that in order to make the tough decisions we have to know what our values are and who we're fighting for and our priorities and if we are spending $300 billion on tax cuts for people who don't need them and weren't even asking for them, and we are leaving out health care which is crushing on people all across the country, then I think we have made a bad decision and I want to make sure we're not shortchanging our long term priorities."
- Senator Obama Sept, 26 2008 first Presidential Debate with Senator McCain at the University of Mississippi.-

This quote is from Senator Obama after he answered a question from Jim Lehrer, "Are you willing to acknowledge both of you that this financial crisis is going to affect the way you rule the country as president of the United States?"  After he answered the question Obama ended with "The only point I want to make is this."  Saying this will make the viewers listen more carefully to what he has to say.  If it is the, only point, then this must be pretty important.  He goes on to list what the people have to know in order to make tough decisions.  Senator Obama's first three items he list all excite the audience.  When most people say our values, who we're fighting for, and our priorities they are usually talking about freedom or war.  Whenever somebody talks about these two subject people seem to perk up, and now that Obama states that these are priorities on making tough decisions will help get him votes.  He then gives an example of what McCain wants to due with the $300 billion tax cuts for people who don't need them or even asked for them.  This money will help out fortune 500 companies who really do not need any more money, and will hurt the average family.  Not only will it hurt the average family, but also will not help out health care or many other problems in our economy.
President Obama uses tactical wording in his debate to get his strongest points to stick in the viewers' heads.  With him ending one of his arguments with, "the only point I want to make is this," and then gives six examples of flaws with Senator McCain will help him receive votes.  Some of these examples such as, health care, $300 billion, values, and priorities, are important issues in today's society.  With him talking about these particular issues also gives him a advantage.

"The one point I want to say is this, that in order to make the difficult decision we have to know what our morals, are why we're fighting, and our priorities and if we are spending $300 billion on tax cuts for people who don't need them and weren't even asking for them, and we are leaving out social security which is hurting on people all across the country, then I think we have made a bad decision and I want to make sure we're not shortchanging our long term priorities."

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Nick's Blog

“Its desires, such as they are, are transparent, for they are just what institutional approval keeps in the forefront of consciousness; another institutional pattern would alter their number and intensity; there is little in them that is natural, irreducible, or culturally dangerous.”
Essay on psychology in Politics (New York)
(Taken from George Orwell Politics and the English Language)

As I first read this excerpt from Orwell’s essay, my sole reaction was WOW. First off, this is a very long run-on sentence. There are so many ideas within this one sentence that the writing becomes somewhat vague and produces no adequate information to support what is happening or what the writer is talking about. This type of writing appropriately justifies Joseph Williams’s statements in Style about turgid writing in the English language. In this “confusing” case, the writer uses too many phrases and too many “big” words in order to flaunt his education or disguise his lack of one.

Secondly, the writer uses a nominalization that makes his writing weak and confusing for the reader. The word “desires”, in the first line, is the subject of the sentence; however the reader has no idea who or what is being desired. In order to make this sentence more effective, the nominalization should be removed and this sentence should be made into several smaller ones.

“We desire a free, transparent personality. Our personalities maintain our consciousness and can alter the overall intensity of the conflict. However, these personalities are natural, irreducible, and, possibly, culturally dangerous.
Nick Curosh