First, I want to say to all of you that, as you might imagine, I have been on quite a journey these last few weeks to get to the end of this, to the rock bottom truth of where I am and where we all are.
I agree with those who have said that in my first statement after I testified I was not contrite enough. I don't think there is a fancy way to say that I have sinned.
President Bill Clinton, September 11, 1998; addressing his sin
President Clinton is using touchy words to make a simple fact much more complicated than it need be. Granted that this is a president speaking to his nation and there should be some sort of eloquence to it; there is a basic message to all of this that could be said in a much shorter way. The biggest problem with this statement is that he is trying to play-down the fact that he lied to the nation.
He says that his original statement was "not contrite enough". He wasn't sincere enough? Come on, he came out and straight lied to the nation. "I did not have sexual relations" is a very contrite statement. He was very sincere with his lie.
He refers to what has been going on as a ''journey'; but there is no journey going on...only a twisted path of lies. He beats around the bush as the rest of us simply want him to come out and admit that he cheated on his wife, or "sinned", as he called it. By saying he sinned it almost dumbs it down to mean less to the rest of us. All of us sin; but not all of us cheat on our wives. That is something that is going to affect the emotions of religous people and atheists alike.
The way he could have said this is pretty simple.
"I apologize to you all as I have lied for the past few weeks. I did in fact have sexual relations with that women and am an adulterer. I am deeply embarrassed and hope that in time you can all forgive me for taking you all down this path of lies I have led you on."
That would be a little bit more clear.
Devin Kelley