Sunday, October 12, 2008

Grant McCloskey Week #5

“Now, it is clear that the decline of a language must ultimately have political and economic causes: it is not due simply to the bad influence of this or that individual writer” George Orwell.

George Orwell begin this phrase but stating the problem, that being the decline of language. He follows but saying what the causes are, and then finishes by saying what is not the cause. It seems like a long sentence that should be broken up, but it is a lot better as is. He could of said the first phrase followed by a period instead of a colon, but the colon I feel keeps it all together as one idea and make it a lot more meaningful.

The colon is very powerful when it comes to punctuation. A colon is used to explain what is next as an explanation for what was written before it. It allows you to make a statement and then you can back it up with your reasoning as to why.

This except would not nearly be as effective without the use of the colon. All of the things I have found in writing this blog I have made an attempt to show in my writing and the colon shall be no different.

“It was the clear the loss was not because of the defenses  effort in creating five turnovers: it was due to the offense fumbling the ball six times”. 

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